(a) Defining the problem and establishing a situation
The problem to be clarified/exposed/solved should be clear-cut, significant and preferably close and important to the persons playing the roles or observing the performance. The situation in which the problem is projected should be simple, as complexities can distract attention from the main problem/objective.
(Role plays must be focused and the objectives must be clear and understood by every one involved so that both the characters and the audience understand the problem at hand).
(b) Determining the roles to be played
The involvement of the group in this step is often valuable and educationally productive. The producer/teacher should take careful note of the characteristics of each role, and preferably he should write them down. The number of the roles should not be too large, perhaps five major roles as maximum.
(c) Casting the characters
Only volunteers should be asked to role play. Nobody should be subjected to undue pressure to take part, and it is sometimes helpful if the teacher himself takes a difficult or unpopular part/role. Additionally, it is best to cast students against their parts. For example, an aggressive individual should not be assigned to be a bully or an overweight individual to be teased in play.
(Students must realize that acting ability is not at stake here but rather the spontaneous discharge of how one thinks the character of his role would react in the defined situation).
(d) Briefing the participants (Brief and warm up)
Briefing may be oral or written. Each player can be given a brief written synopsis (outline) of the role to be player, including the situation in which the dialogue and action will occur. It is useful to give a little time for assimilation of the written material, followed by a short session of question and answer. It should contain enough information for both parties to engage in a believable and relevant conversation, which should be in line with the objectives. Much detail as is necessary should be given – too little and there wont be enough to sustain a conversation, too much and people will be swamped with information, most of which they either wont need or wont remember.
Players may be instructed publicly so that the audience knows what to expect or privately so that the audience can interpret the meaning of their behavior.
The briefs for all sides of the role play should be unambiguous and totally in line with the objectives.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 12:59
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