1. It facilitates acquisition of practical skills.
2. It is a hand on task where one learns by doing which enhances retention of knowledge.
3. It facilitates active learning process rather than passive.
4. Learners familiarize on how to use tools or operate equipment.
5. Learners develop team spirit by working together.
6. The curiosity and inquisitive instincts of learners is satisfied.
7. It nurtures a culture of independence, self reliance, innovation, discovery and knowledge creation.
8. It helps learners practice how to use primary source of knowledge, make observations, and gather information and record data.
9. It provides a learner centered approach to learning.
1. Some experiments may be dangerous (e.g.) use of dangerous materials and procedures.
2. Slow learners may not be able to finish the experiment within the assigned period.
3. When gathering data in the field some study subjects may be uncooperative while others may provide false information.
4. It is an expensive exercise, therefore equipment, materials required, may be inadequate in resource poor settings.
5. It has an element of artificiality (i.e.) what happens in a test tube may not be a mirror image of what happens in a living system.
6. There are cases were one is not able to get a representative sample.
7. It may lead to invalid conclusion when it is not possible to control all variables.
8. It may not be possible to carry out certain procedures because of ethical considerations.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 13:05
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