1. The teacher completes a request form for practical and presents it to the technician in charge of the laboratory. This should be done at least 2 weeks in advance.
The request form provides for the following information:-
a) Date when the experiment will be carried out.
b) The particular laboratory to be used.
c) The subject and title of the experiment.
d) The number of learners.
e) Description and quantity of materials required.
f) Description and number of apparatus required.
g) Description and number of equipment required.
2. The teacher prepares instructions sheet and gives a copy to each learner in advance.
The instructions sheet contains the following information:
a) Title of the experiment.
b) Material, reagents, chemicals, apparatus and equipment to be used in the experiment.
c) Procedure to be used when carrying out the experiment.
d) Precautions to be taken when doing the experiment.
3. The technician makes the following preparations
a) Prepares the apparatus to be used.
b) Obtains the chemicals required.
c) He sources other materials to be used.
d) He ensures that tools and equipment are available and in good working condition.
e) Prepares reagents required.
f) He ensures that the laboratory and the benches are clean and ready for use.
g) He ensures hat the laboratory is well ventilated and fume hood is available if fumes are expected during the experiment.
h) He ensures that electric power, gas, compressed air and water are available if the experiment requires their use.
4. (a) The chemicals, reagents and other materials are placed in the preparation room.
(b) The teacher performs the experiment in advance in order to identify bottlenecks and to know how long the experiment is likely to take.
5. On the day when the experiment is carried out, the following takes place.
a) The teacher ensures that all the learners are in their protective clothing (i.e.). Gloves, lab coats etc. before the start of the experiment.
b) The technician transfers the items required for the experiment from the preparation room to the laboratory and places them in strategic positions.
The technician is required to stay within reach during the experiment period so that he may handle difficulties that might arise and also replenish any materials, chemicals and reagents if need be.
1. The teacher gives a brief theoretical background on what the experiment is based, he explains to the learners the purpose and objectives of the experiment, activities which shall be undertaken during he experimental exercise, the observations to be made and the type of report to be submitted after completion of the experiment.
2. The teacher may use teaching aids such as charts, over head projector etc to show the students what they are supposed to do.
3. The teacher demonstrates to the students how the experiment is to be performed.
4. The teacher confirms that all the learners have instructions sheet.
5. After the teacher is confident that the students are well prepared to carry out experiment, he divides them in groups and assigns them work station.
6. When the students are in progress, the teacher supervises them and responds to any difficulties that might arise.
At the end of the experiment the teacher instructs the students to clean up their work stations and switch off the equipment they were using. He informs the students when they should hand in their reports and dismisses the class. The teacher ensures that all the students have left the lab and that everything is in order before leaving the laboratory.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 13:07
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