Define e-learning


Define e-learning



E – Learning can be a confusing topic in part because of the alphabet group of acronyms, technology related buzzwords, overlapping definitions, variety of delivery options and the converging histories of the two disciplines of technology and training. In the current market place, what most people really mean when they use the team e-learning (and its multiple synonyms) is Web-based training – but it really means much more.
E-Learning is really nothing more than using some form of technology to deliver training and other educational materials
E-Learning is the latest, in vogue, all-inclusive term for training delivered by a number of means. In the past, these have included the use of mainframe computers, floppy diskettes, multimedia CD-ROMs, and interactive videodisks. Most recently, web technology (both internet and intranet delivery) have become preferred delivery options. In the near future, e-learning will also include delivering on PDA’S (e.g. palm pilots) and even via wireless devices like your cell phone. This new, mobile form of education is called predictably enough m- learning.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 13:33

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