Advantages of using e learning


Advantages of using e learning



- The 4A’s of e-learning –anytime, any place any pace, any subject: e-learning materials can be accessed at the most convenient time for the learner, if the course material is well constructed then learning can take place in short segments and be customized to suit the learner’s needs.
- Empowerment; learners are in charge of their own learning.
- Flexibility: e-learning material can be accessed in a non-sequential way, enabling a learner to navigate content in different ways or obtain a global view before tackling the details of individual units.
- Cost effective: large numbers of learners can have access to the same materials but can be supported by peer-to-peer or learner -to-tutor support services thus reducing the cost of delivery.
- Up-to-date content: course content is located in one place so it can be easily updated and can provide direct. Links to supporting materials such as internet and library resources.
- Tailoring learning: the time needed to learn a particular topic or skill is reduced or “compressed’ as learning can be modified to suit the user’s needs and requirement. E-learning can provide a variety of learning experiences including interactive elements.
- Retainable; the smaller and more relevant the learning the easier it is to capture and remember.
- Socio-inclusive: students can learn in a relatively anonymous environment without the embarrassment of failure and /or socio-culture bias from personal contact.
- Interactive: well constructed materials have elements of interactivity through simulations etc which will underpin and enforce the learning.
- Collaborative: the use of groups and teams working together in collaborative learning and learner-learner interaction enforces employability skills.
- Used to track student performance: student usage of the materials can be monitored and early potential drop –out can be detected and given remedial support.
- Used to facilitate understanding: of concepts by offering alternative ways of visualizing materials and alternative explanations to those given in single delivery mode such as a lecture, seminar or tutorial ( for example, multimedia and ( hypermedia)
- Used to give instant feedback: from online self assessment or formative assessment particularly through multiple choice question formats.
- Used for assessment: students can be offered automatically marked self assessment exercises to identify skill/knowledge levels and learning needs before engaging with course content.
- Used to assist student with certain disabilities; access for student with hearing and some physical disabilities may be enhanced.
Titany answered the question on September 15, 2021 at 13:38

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