1. Define the mission.
A mission is the purpose of the organization. It is why the organization exists. Thus, planning begins with clearly defining the mission of the organization. The mission statement is broad, yet clear and concise, summarizing what the organization does. It directs the organization, as well as all of its major functions and operations, to its best opportunities. Then, it leads to supporting tactical and operational plans, which, in turn leads to supporting objectives. A mission statement should be short – no more than a single sentence. It should be easily understood and every employee should be able to recite it from memory. An explicit mission guides employees to work independently and yet collectively toward the realization of the organization’s potential. The mission statement may be accompanied by an overarching statement of philosophy or strategic purpose intended to convey a vision for the future and an awareness of challenges from a top-level perspective.
2. Conduct a situation or SWOT analysis by assessing strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities and threats.
-A situation or SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis is critical to the creation of any strategic plan. The SWOT analysis begins with a scan of the external environment. Organizations must examine their situation in order to seek opportunities and monitor threats. Sources of information include customers (internal and external), suppliers, governments (local, national, international), professional or trade associations (conventions and exhibitions), journals and reports (scientific, professional, and trade).
3. Set goals and objectives.
Strategic goals and objectives are developed to bridge the gap between current capability and the mission. They are aligned with the mission and form the basis for the action plans. Goals should be directed toward a vision and consistent with the mission. Something the organization wants and expects to accomplish in the future. An objective is a specific measurable result expected within a particular time period, consistent with a goal and strategy. Objectives are sometimes referred to as performance goals. Goals are what you would like to happen – they are general intentions with broad outcomes. Objectives on the other hand are precise statements relating to specific outcomes. Objectives can be validated – most of the time goals cannot. Generally, organizations have long-term objectives for such factors as return on investment, earnings per share, or size.
4. Develop related strategies (tactical and operational).
Tactical plans are based on the organization’s strategic plan. In turn, operational plans are based on the organization’s tactical plans. These are specific plans that are needed for each task or supportive activity comprising the whole. Strategic, tactical, and operational planning must be accompanied by controls. Monitoring progress or providing for follow-up is intended to assure that plans are carried out properly and on time. Adjustments may need to be made to accommodate changes in the external and/or internal environment of the organization. A competitive advantage can be gained by adapting to the challenges.
Titany answered the question on September 20, 2021 at 06:34
- Conduct a situation or SWOT analysis by assessing strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities and threats
Conduct a situation or SWOT analysis by assessing strengths and weaknesses and identifying opportunities and threats
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