Describe the David McClelland’s learned needs Theory of motivation


Describe the David McClelland’s learned needs Theory of motivation



David McClelland identified that motivation is caused by the following three needs: need for power (nPow), need for achievement (nAch), and need for affiliation (nAff). Power motives include the need to influence people to change their behaviour, controlling people and activities, being in a position of authority over others, gaining control over information and resources, defeating an opponent, etc. Quest for power is easily observable in politics, or in anyone in a responsible position in an organization, government, unions, and the military.
Achievement motive can be expressed as a desire to perform in terms of a standard of excellence or to be successful in competitive situations, e.g. doing better than competitors,
attaining a difficult goal, solving a complex problem, carrying out a challenging assignment successfully, or developing a better way to so something.
Affiliation motive refers to people’s experience of a need for warmth and friendship in work relationships. Employees, especially subordinates in a department have intense need to belong to a group and be accepted by the group. This gives one a sense of acceptance, security, and togetherness. This can increase communication, an interactio n which can lead to productivity.

Titany answered the question on September 20, 2021 at 12:41

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