Discuss three Forms of organizational communication


Discuss three Forms of organizational communication



a) Vertical communication
Communication that flows both up and down the organizational hierarchy, usually along formal reporting lines, is known as vertical communication.
1. Upward communication: Messages that move up the hierarchy from subordinate to supervisor constitute upward communication. Research has shown that upward communication is often subject to distortion because subordinates withhold or distort information that makes them look bad.
2. Downward communication: Messages moving down the hierarchy from superiors to subordinates constitute downward communication. Downward communication often includes job directives, assignments, performance feedback, and other information that the boss thinks is of value to the subordinate.
b) Lateral (horizontal) communication
Lateral or horizontal communication consists of messages transmitted among colleagues and peers at the same levels of the organization. It facilitates coordination among interdependent units. It plays a major role in matrix designs or in committees that have representatives from several departments.
c) The informal communication network
The grapevine is the informal communication network that exists in most organizations. The two most common types of informal networks are the gossip chain and the cluster chain. In the gossip chain, one person spreads a message to as many others as possible. They may either keep the information to themselves or pass it on. In the cluster chain, one person passes information to a selected few individuals. Some of them pass it on to a few other individuals; the others keep it to themselves. Research has shown that information carried by the informal communication network is fairly accurate. Because the grapevine cannot be eliminated, managers should exercise some control over it. Managers can obtain valuable information from the grapevine and use it to improve decision making.
d) Nonverbal communication
Any communication exchange that does not use words at all or that uses words to carry more than just literal meaning is known as nonverbal communication. Nonverbal communication is a powerful but little understood form of communication in organizations. Managers need to be aware of it and recognize its potential impact.
Research has identified three important vehicles of nonverbal communication: · Images are “pictures” that are conveyed by words.
- The setting of a message boundaries, familiarity, and home turf plays a major role in nonverbal communication: the size of a desk and the presence or absence of windows in an office may speak volumes.
- Body language consists of the gestures, postures, and facial expressions that accompany or substitute for speech.
Other forms of communication: include “management by wandering around” and informal interchanges that take place outside the normal work setting among members of an informal or interest group.

Titany answered the question on September 20, 2021 at 12:54

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