Controls used to evaluate an organization’s marketing functions


Controls used to evaluate an organization’s marketing functions



- Market research gathers data to assess customer needs – information critical to an
organization’s success. Ongoing market research reflects how well an organization is
meeting customers’ expectations and helps anticipate customer needs. It also helps
identify competitors.
- Test marketing is small-scale product marketing to assess customer acceptance.
Using surveys and focus groups, test marketing goes beyond identifying general
requirements and looks at what (or who) actually influences buying decisions.
-Marketing statistics measure performance by compiling data and analyzing results.
In most cases, competency with a computer spreadsheet program is all a manager
needs. Managers look at marketing ratios, which measure profitability, activity, and
market shares, as well as sales quotas, which measure progress toward sales goals and
assist with inventory controls.
Unfortunately, scheduling a regular evaluation of an organization’s marketing program is
easier to recommend than to execute. Usually, only a crisis, such as increased competition or
a sales drop, forces a company to take a closer look at its marketing program. However, more
regular evaluations help minimize the number of marketing problems.
-Human resource controls: Help managers regulate the quality of newly hired personnel,
as well as monitor current employees’ developments and daily performances. On a daily basis,
managers can go a long way in helping to control workers’ behaviours in organizations. They
can help direct workers’ performances toward goals by making sure that goals are clearly set
and understood. Managers can also institute policies and procedures to help guide workers’
actions. Finally, they can consider past experiences when developing future strategies,
objectives, policies, and procedures. Common control types include performance appraisals,
disciplinary programs, observations, and training and development assessments. Because the
quality of a firm’s personnel, to a large degree, determines the firm’s overall effectiveness,
controlling this area is very crucial.
-Computers and information controls: Almost all organizations have confidential and
sensitive information that they don’t want to become general knowledge. Controlling access
to computer databases is the key to this area.
Titany answered the question on September 20, 2021 at 13:37

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