Government-to-business (G2B) is a business model that refers to government providing services or information to business organization. Government uses B2G model website to approach business organizations. Such websites support auctions, tenders and application submission functionalities.
1.Online application of ISBN for publications
2.e-Filing tax return,
The process of electronically filing Income tax Returns/Forms through the internet is known as e-Filing.
3.Broadcast Seva Portal
The Broadcast Seva (BS) Portal provides a single point facility to the various stakeholders and applicants to make their applications for various permission, registrations, licences, etc. issued by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (MIB) for broadcast related activities. It provides for an efficient and transparent regime for the growth and management of the Broadcast sector.
Services offered
Presently the following four modules have become Live.
- Database of institutions - Community Radio Stations, DTH Operators, HITS Operators, MSOs, News Agencies, Private FM Channels, Satellite TV Channels, Teleports, TRP Agencies etc.
- Payment of Annual Permission Fees for TV Channels / Teleports
- Application and process guidelines for Temporary uplink of Live Events
- Application and process guidelines for setting up of Community Radio Stations
- Application and process guidelines for registration as Multi-System Operators
4. Government e-marketplace
Government e-Marketplace (GeM) is a one stop portal to facilitate online procurement of common use Goods & Services required by various Government Departments / Organizations / PSUs. GeM aims to enhance transparency, efficiency and speed in public procurement. It provides the tools of e-bidding, reverse e-auction and demand aggregation to facilitate the government users achieve the best value for their money.
Titany answered the question on
September 23, 2021 at 11:52