Describe the factors to consider in nutrition during pregnancy


Describe the factors to consider in nutrition during pregnancy



1. Balanced meal should be provided to safeguard mothers’ health and foetus proper growth.
2. The meal should contain adequate proteins for both mother and growing baby i.e. combine both animal and plant proteins
3. The diet should have enough calcium and phosphorus for the development of the skeleton structure of the foetus. If not enough of this is provided the mothers stock of minerals is depleted and this endanger her life.
4. The meal should have adequate iron to prevent anemia
5. Provide food rich in vitamins i.e. fresh juice and vegetables
6. Enriched cereals should be provided.
7. A little fat/butter should be included in the diet, but care has to be taken to avoid weight gain.
Titany answered the question on October 6, 2021 at 07:36

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