Explain where and how you would store the following food in the refrigerator: Milk, raw fish, cooked githeri, eggs and green peas


Explain where and how you would store the following food in the refrigerator: Milk,
raw fish, cooked githeri, eggs and green peas



• Milk- Put in bottles or packets milk is stored in the top part of the refrigerator door
• Fish- Cut into cooking sizes, wrapped in polythene and stored in the freezer compartment.
• Githeri- wrapped or put in a well covered container and then stored on the shelves closest to the freezer.
• Green peas- balanced cooked and wrapped in polythene or put in covered food container. Can be put in deep freezer if being stored for a long period or can be stored on the shelves closer to deep freezer if they are to be stored for a short while/days
Titany answered the question on October 13, 2021 at 07:13

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