Ways of Dealing With Resistance to Change


Ways of Dealing With Resistance to Change



1. Education and communication - Commonly used in situations where there is a lack of
information or inaccurate information and analysis
2. Participation and involvement - Commonly used where the initiators do not have all
the information they need to design the change, and where others have considerable
power to resist.
3. Facilitation and support - Commonly used where people are resisting because of
adjustment problems
4. Negotiation and agreement - Commonly used where someone or some group will
clearly lose out in a change, and where that group has considerable power to resist
5. Manipulation and co-option - Commonly used in situations where other tactics will not
work, or are too expensive
6. Explicit and implicit coercion - Commonly used where speed is essential and the
change initiators possess considerable power
7. Provide dedicated capacity by planning and budgeting for it.
8. Integrate management development into the change process.
9. Stretch the duration of change to maximum possible to assure timely response to
environmental challenges.
10. Top management commitment and support - For change to be accepted, it is often
useful to win the support of the most powerful and influential individuals in the
organization. Doing so, builds a critical internal mass of support for change.
11. Identify and neutralize change resisters - An important way of supporting change
initiatives involves neutralizing those who resist change.
12. Rewarding constructive behavior - One rather obvious and successful mechanism
for facilitating organizational change is rewarding people for behaving in the desired
13. Using group methods - Since employees identify themselves with groups, use of
group methods for change introduction, accommodation and execution can be very
14. Creating a learning organization - A learning organization is an organization that is
successful at acquiring, cultivating and applying knowledge that can be used to help it
adapt to changes.
15. Timing of change - Timing of introduction of change can have a considerable impact
on resistance. Change introduced at the right time meets less resistance. Therefore,
management must be very careful in selecting a time when the organizational climate is
very much favourable to change.
Titany answered the question on October 19, 2021 at 13:37

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