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Classification of research by type of research


Classification of research by type of research



1.Survey Research
A survey is an attempt to collect data from members of a population in order to determine the current status of that population with respect to one or more variables. Survey study is therefore a self-report study, which requires the collection of quantifiable information from the sample. It is a descriptive, exploratory or involving advanced statistical analysis.
Steps involved in Survey research
•Problem statement. Problem under investigation must be significant.e. must have some social, economic or political impact on the population. The problem must be defined in terms of clear objectives.
•Defining Objectives. Each item in the questionnaire must contribute to meeting the identified objectives.
•Selecting a Sample. Appropriate sampling techniques should be used if the entire population is not manageable.
•Preparing the instruments. The questionnaires or interview guides to be used in survey research should be prepared so that the objectives of the study are addressed. Questions could be closed or open ended.
•Data analysis. Questionnaires or interview guides should be coded accurately.

Purpose of survey research
•It seeks to obtain information that describes existing phenomena by asking individuals about their perceptions, attitudes, behaviour or values.
•Can be used for explaining or exploring the existing status of two or more variables, at a given point in time.
•It is the most appropriate to measure characteristics of large populations.

Limitations of Survey research
•They are dependent on the cooperation of respondents.
•Information unknown to the respondents cannot be tapped in a survey e.g. amount saved per year
•Requesting information which is considered secret and personal, encourages incorrect answers.
•Surveys cannot be aimed at obtaining forecasts of things to come.

2.Historical research
Involves the study of a problem that requires collecting information from the involves studying, understanding and experiencing past events. Historical researchers seek data that is already available.
Purpose of Historical Research
•Aims at arriving at conclusions concerning causes, effects or trends of past occurrences that may help explain present events and anticipate future events.
•Attempts to interpret ideas or events that had previously seemed unrelated.
•Synthesizes old data or merges old data with new historical facts that the researcher or other researchers have discovered.
•To reinterpret past events that have been studied.

Steps involved in historical research
•Identifying and delineating the problem.
•Developing hypothesis or hypotheses that one is interested in testing.
•Collecting and classifying resource materials, determining facts by internal and external criticism.
•Organizing facts into results
•Interpreting data in terms of stated hypothesis or theory.
•Synthesizing and presenting the research in an organized form.

3.Observational Research
The current status of a phenomenon is determined not by asking but by observing. This helps to collect objective information.
•Selection and definition of the problem.
•Sample selection.
•Definition of the observational information.
•Recording observational information
•Data analysis and interpretation.

Types of observational research
1.Non-participant observation
The observer is not directly involved in the situation to be observed.
2.Naturalistic Observation
Behaviour is studied and recorded as it normally occurs.
3.Simulation observation.
The researcher creates the situation to be observed and tells subjects to be observed what activities they are to engage in. Disadvantage – the setting is not natural and the behaviour exhibited by the subjects may not be the behaviour that would occur in a natural setting.
4.Participant observation
The observer becomes part of or a participant in the situation. May not be ethical
5.Case studies
A case study is an in-depth investigation of an individual, group, institution or phenomenon. It aims to determine factors and relationships among the factors that have resulted in the behaviour under study.
6.Content analysis
It involves observation and detailed description of objects, items or things that comprise the sample. The purpose is to study existing documents such as books, magazines in order to determine factors that explain a specific phenomenon.
•Decide on the unit of analysis
•Sample the content to be analyzed
•Data analysis
•Compiling results and interpretations.

•Researchers are able to economize in terms of time and money.
•Errors that arise during the study are easier to detect and correct.
The method has no effect on what is being studied.
•It is limited to recorded communication.
•It is difficult to ascertain the validity of the data.

Titany answered the question on October 21, 2021 at 08:24

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