Describe observation as a method of collecting data in research


Describe observation as a method of collecting data in research



Observation is one of the few options available for studying records, mechanical processes, small children and complex interactive processes. Data can be gathered as the event occurs. Observation includes a variety of monitoring situations that cover non-behavioural and behavioural activities.
The observer-participant relationship
Interrogation presents a clear opportunity for interviewer bias. The problem is less pronounced with observation but is still real. The relationship between observer and participant may be viewed from three perspectives:
1. Whether the observation is direct or indirect
2. Whether the observer’s presence is known or unknown to the participant
3. What role the observer plays
Guidelines for the qualification and selection of observers
1. Concentration: Ability to function in a setting full of distractions
2. Detail-oriented: Ability to remember details of an experience
3. Unobtrusive: Ability to blend with the setting and not be distinctive
4. Experience level: Ability to extract the most from an observation study

Advantages of observation
Enables one to:
1. Secure information about people or activities that cannot be derived from experiment or surveys
2. Reduces obtrusiveness
3. Avoid participant filtering and forgetfulness
4. Secure environmental context information
5. Optimize the naturalness of the research setting

Limitations of observation
6. Difficulty of waiting for long periods to capture the relevant phenomena
7. The expense of observer costs and equipment
8. Reliability of inferences from surface indicators
9. The problem of quantification and disproportionately large records

Observation forms, schedules or checklists
The researcher must define the behaviours to be observed and then develop a detailed list of behaviours. During data collection, the researcher checks off each as it occurs. This permits the observer to spend time thinking about what is occurring rather than on how to record it and this enhances the accuracy of the study.

Titany answered the question on October 21, 2021 at 13:32

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