Every society has its caste system, which is an integral part of its social system. It is more or less impossible to away with the system. Caste system is an important characteristic of Indian society.
It determines the relationship between the various groups and individuals. It is therefore
necessary to have some knowledge about caste system in order to understand the structure and
functioning of the Indian society. Caste system in India is based upon the birth while in other
advanced countries. It is based upon the colour or the skin and wealth etc.
What is Caste System?
According to Risley, “A caste may be defined as a collection of families or group of families
bearing a common name which usually denotes or is associated with specific occupation
claiming common descent from a mythical ancestor, human or divine, professing to follow the
same professional calling and are regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as
forming single and homogeneous community”.
A. W. Green while defining caste says, “Caste is a system of stratification in which mobility,
mobility, movement up and down the status ladder at least ideally may not occur”.
Characteristics of Caste System in India
1. Hereditary:
Caste status of an individual is determined strictly by his heredity, i.e. the caste into which one is born. No amount of personal accomplishments or efforts can alter his caste status.
2. Endogamous:
It endogamous character strictly prohibits inter-caste marriages. Accordingly a person born in
low caste can never hope to marry someone in higher caste. Each individual is supposed to marry
within his caste and sub-caste. Marrying outside caste makes an individual or ‘without a caste
which is the lowest category even below Shudra’.
3. Hierarchal:
Caste system has a system of superiority and subordination. According to Hindu Caste hierarchy.
Brahmin occupies the highest followed by kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra.
4. Fixed Occupations:
Members of any caste are obligated to adopt the professions of their caste. Having developed
from Varna system the occupation in caste system is definite; son of blacksmith persues the
occupation of his father, son of carpenter becomes carpenter and so on. (With development of
industries people belonging to many castes have lost their occupation and have taken agriculture or some other occupation).
5. Restricted Food Habits:
Higher castes try maintaining their traditional purity by different food habits. Thus Brahmins will only take ‘Satwil’ or ‘Pure’ food. Kshtriya and Vaishya will take ‘Royal’ food. A Shudra takes ‘Tamsi’ food. Each individual caste has its own laws which govern the food habits. There is no restriction against fruit, milk, butter, dry fruit etc. but food can be accepted only from the members of one’s own or higher caste.
6. Untouchability:
In Indian caste system Shudra and out castes are considered to be untouchables. In certain times of day even seeing a shudra is considered to be pollution. Even if shadow of a low caste falls on a Brahmin, latter is said to have been polluted.
7. Absence of Vertical Mobility:
In a caste system, there is no mobility movement of its members, up or down, the social status
ladder. A person’s status at birth is his life time status.
8. Reinforcement by Religious Beliefs:
Religious beliefs have played a significant role in making caste system unavoidable. Religion has described Brahmin as sacred and also an element of reverence and awe is attached to him. In
absence of religious support such rigid caste system was not possible.
Titany answered the question on October 25, 2021 at 12:10
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