The roles of the Chairman of the board in an organization


The roles of the Chairman of the board in an organization



? To lead the Board;
? To chair meetings of the Board and members, ensuring order, proper conduct of meetings, affording participants a reasonable opportunity to speak, ensuring decisions are fairly made, deciding on technicalities and to cast the deciding vote in case of ties;
? To organize and facilitate a balance of internal and external relationships, and
? To facilitate effective Board management.
Independent non- executive directors shall be independent of management, and free from any business or other relationship which would interfere with the exercise of their ability to bring an independent judgment to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources, key appointments and standards of conduct. Independent non-executive directors shall be relied upon in matters where there is potential for conflict of interest e.g.:
? Financial reporting (Audit Committee)
? Nomination and remuneration of directors
? Evaluation of Board performance It is suggested that:
? The company must contain at least one third of its members as non-executive directors.
? Persons with full time employment in any company or organization should not hold many non- executive directorships elsewhere [indicatively, not more that two].
? Persons without full-time employment in one organization (professional directors, consultants etc.) should not hold more than ten non-executive directorships.
? Executives from subsidiaries, the parent company or any other of its acquisitions cannot be-come non-executive directors on the parent company.
? Suppliers, direct customers or other trading associates of the company cannot become non- executive directors of the company.
? Persons with prior professional or social relationships with directors of the company cannot become non-executives directors in the company.
Titany answered the question on October 26, 2021 at 07:13

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