Patterns of Response to Social Demands used by organizations


Patterns of Response to Social Demands used by organizations



i. Adoptive Strategy
This involves changing only when you are forced to do so by the society. This is, complying with the law. The law gives business a general guideline of what is expected by a society. Legal compliance is the minimum that is expected by a society.
Organisations that use this strategy adopt or react to the environment only when there is strong outside pressure, eg. producers of body perfumes have to be ozone friendly.
ii. Pro-active/Voluntary Strategy
Involves an attempt at shaping the environment. The company using this strategy tries to manipulate the environment in ways that will be to their advantage. The steps they take may or may not be to the interest of the society in the long run, eg. paying off politicians to avoid scrutiny.
iii. Interactive Strategy
When a company is able to anticipate environmental changes and blend its own goals with those of the society, then it is said to have taken an interactive strategy. This involves reducing the gap between public expectations and business performance. This calls for knowhow and skills on how to manage the company's social relations with external forces which may affect the company. That is the firm tries to inter-act with the surrounding social environment in ways that will be mutually beneficial.
Titany answered the question on October 26, 2021 at 11:47

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