- Planning theory is the theory in planning, that is the philosophy governing the planning
process, such problem definition and goal articulation, etc. not the theory of planning that
includes standards, such as densities, walking distances, etc.
- Understanding the inter-linkages forming the trinity of Planning Theory, Planning Practice
and Planning Education is essential.
- The validity of planning theory is its use in planning profession as a compass guiding
direction for action, meaning and consequences.
- The reflection of planning practitioners on the theory in action is central to theory
- Research in planning theory is important for advancement of the theory; improving the
planning practice, and bringing experience to the classroom, which hopefully will improve
the standards of living in human settlements.
- For decades planners used the Comprehensive Rational Model (CRM), which is rooted in
the modernist movement, despite all limitations and weaknesses associated with it as
indicated by the limited outcomes of plans elaborated using CRM.
- Scholars, such as Lindblom, argued against it; and recommended the science of muddling
through instead. Others, such as Bryson and Roering, offered strategic planning as an
improved CRM approach.
- However, planners continue to use the CRM in the planning process as a ritual despite its
- Egypt is no exception. Urban and regional planning processes are still rooted in the design
profession, which employs the CRM
Titany answered the question on October 28, 2021 at 05:43