Describe the Post-Modern Planning Theory


Describe the Post-Modern Planning



- As planners were searching for a “general” planning theory, the computing power and
planning methods and models transformed from design-requirements basis, such as
walking distances and threshold of services provision, into more operational models that
simulate market mechanisms; seek optimization, etc. Planners were in a divergence
between science and reform.
- The continuous attack on rationality in planning led to some theorists to examine social
construction of reality through communication and culture, and to ask what the
implications of planning using non-causal perspectives are.
- Postmodernism is a revision of specific modernist excesses. It is a stage that associates
with new phase of capitalism, i.e., globalization. It proposes a way of understanding and
conceptualizing, which forms a radical break with modernism.
-According to Milroy (1991). postmodern thinking is offered as:
i. Deconstructive,
ii. Anti-foundationalist,
iii. Non-dualistic, and
iv. Encouraging pluralism
- Planning is suspended between a modernist sensibility and post-modern reality. The
outcome is an undesirable practical and intellectual ambivalence, which requires forging
links between planning and critical social theory (Beauregard, 1991)
- To bridge the gap between the scientific approach rooted in positivism, and its opposition
that denies the efficacy of the scientific tradition. Following investigating the main tenets
of logical positivism, and major arguments against this position, Lim and Albrecht (1987)
explored the use of phenomenology in action and environment as well as developing
research methodology for planning.

- Phenomenology is the descriptive analysis of subjective processes. It is the analysis of
immediate conscious experience, i.e., the inner-perception.
- The task of phenomenology is to describe the data of consciousness without prejudices,
precluding all metaphysical and scientific theories.
- They concluded that phenomenology has limited use for planning but possesses
potential to improve the spatial environmental analysis used for planning (Lim &
Albrecht, 1987).
- The use of critical theory, which aims to a complete consciousness of humans
unconstrained by ideological distortions of their existence, was offered as a new
direction for resolving this conflict.
- Following a review of the epistemological problems in planning, Albrecht and Lim (1986)
used Habermas’ knowledge theory, which part of the critical theory, then addressed
methodological suggestions.
i. They offered a taxonomy of theories that constitute the body of planning theory is:-
ii. Explanatory theories to provide insight into a social phenomenon;
iii. Procedural theories on what to do, when and how;
iv. Operational theories that administrative planners use in closed systems; and
v. Practical methods based on experiences, best practices and lessons learned not
necessary applicable in another situation

- Social conflict result when technical rationality suppresses latent human needs. To
resolve this predicament, a planner has to possess:
- Empirical-analytic knowledge that technical interest guides and essential for
instrumental actions;
- Historical-hermeneutic knowledge that operates with a practical interests needed
for communicative actions; and lastly
- Critical knowledge that serves emancipatory interest and to enlighten the
planner, the decision-maker and the public. It also paves the way towards
enabling and empowering the people (Albrecht & Lim, 1986).
Titany answered the question on October 28, 2021 at 06:30

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