Type of Post colonial states in Africa


Type of Post colonial states in Africa.



1.Democratic states; these states organize their system of government on the principles of liberal democratic theory. They enhance separation of the Legislature, Judiciary, executive council and lay out roles and functions for each of these organs of governance. A few examples of democratic states include; Botswana, Ghana, South Africa.

2.Socialist states; these are states that took up a system of government where a mass political
party became the main instrument of governance. These states also emphasized central planning
of the economy. The ultimate aim of such states was to give economic and political power to
the worker and or peasant. These states adapted the ideology of socialism. This was an ideology
that was based on the premise that the best state in human society is one that gives power to the worker. These states included Algeria and Tanzania. These states have changed their system of governance to adopt liberal democracy.

3.Afro-Marxist states; these states attempted to organize their system of government using the
ideology of Marxism-Leninism. The aim was to develop a formidable working class that was to
take an active role in governance. These states included Ethiopia, Somalia and Mozambique.
Populist states; these states emphasized dominant participation of the people in governance.
Government policies were to remove all forms of exploitation of the people by minority groups.
The people were used as a basis of justifying government policies and legislation. Populist
states included Burkina Faso and Libya.

4.Monarchy states; these states have a king as head of state. The royal family wields
considerable political and economic power. Examples of these states include Swaziland and

5.Military states; these states emerged in Africa in the first decade of independence. These are states where the army took power from civilian government and institutionalized rule by the
barrel of the gun. African countries that had military states for a long time included Uganda,
Nigeria, Liberia and Sierra Leone. These countries have now introduced political pluralism and
are moving towards attaining liberal democracies.

6. Authoritarian states; these states were common in Africa in the first three decades of
independence. They were characterized by a one political party regime. Political pluralism was
proscribed and the president ruled as though the state was his personal property. Authoritarian
sates included Kenya, Malawi, and democratic Republic of Congo, DRC).These states have
reviewed their constitutions and are now entrenching democratic institutions and value
Titany answered the question on October 28, 2021 at 07:40

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