- The participants and audience are able to see, a situation through other people's point of
view. In other words they will able to conceptualize the dangers of irresponsible sexual
behavior through those people who are affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. It opens their
understandings and feelings for those affected and infected as they try to play these roles.
- It prepares them for real life, situations because they play roles of historical characters or events in the society. The characters for instance, become alive in the mind of the
- It helps in clarifying certain concepts, and demonstrating attitudes and values which
otherwise would have been different to conceptualize or illustrate.
- It helps in planning and trying out strategies for attacking social and religious problems
or evils.
- It helps in testing out hypothetical solutions to problems.
- It enhances motivation in learning as the roles played excite both the participants and the
- Participants especially children and the youth are able to practice leadership.
- It helps in developing hidden talents of learners that are not nurtured by teaching
Titany answered the question on November 1, 2021 at 13:41
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