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Describe the use of tape-recorder in teaching and learning


Describe the use of tape-recorder in teaching and learning



The Tape Recorder.
A tape recorder could be defined as a device used to record speech, music e.t.c. On
electromagnetic tape .It is a very useful tool in HIV and AIDS communication because it can
be used and re-used over and over-again; it is easy to operate e.g to tape record, to start, edit and to erase; it has high fidelity and lastly it adds authenticity and reality by bringing the actual person under study to the learners.

Use of tape-recorder in teaching and learning
Tape recorder could be used during interviews with health workers, people infected and
affected by HIV and AIDS or on drugs, sermons, moral teachings, crusades e.t.c
Speeches: It could be used to record live speeches by the presidents(s), members of health,
director of medical services during HIV/AIDS day. The teacher could also record audio cued
(already recorded) speeches replayed through the radio and the television programmes.
e.g Speeches by President Arap Moi,when he declared AIDS a national disaster and by
Mwai Kibaki when he launched the war against HIV/AIDS during which religious leaders and youth heads committed themselves to fight the scourge with more vigour and fervor.
The tape recorder could be used to record a debate/discussion by a group of students on important matters from a selected theme/topic E.g a topic like cultural factors promoting the spread of HIV/AIDS, the learners could debate on the importance of HIV/AIDS free society .The discussion could then be replayed to the same group of learners for evaluation. The teacher could also make use of relevant debates in radio/television programmes by taping and replying them in class.
Dramatization/role play could be organized with students could act a play on some roles
played by some personalities in the country and prevention of HIV/AIDS, child abuse crime,
corruption and drug abuse. The voices could then be recorded and replayed back to the
students for further discussions on the topic.
Tape recorded can be used by a teacher intending to be absent from school due to some
reasons. The lesson could be recorded and lesson arrangements made for the lessons to be
replayed to the students during the time of absence.

How to use a tape recorder in the classroom.
For effective utilization of the tape recorder, the teacher should follow the following steps:
(1) Preview the audio material.
The teacher has to listen to the material critically before taking it to the classroom .This will help to:
(i) Determine the relevancy of the material.
(ii) Find out the objectives of the audio material.
(iii)Identify important terms and concepts used.
(iv) Find out other materials required for the lesson, e.g maps, charts and pictures.
(v) Find out whether there are activities for the students during the lesson.
(vi) Know the duration of the programme so that the teacher could make the necessary
adjustment regarding the lesson (timetable).
(vii) Find out what the main points of the programme are.
(viii) Decide on how the material will be presented i.e whether it will be a continuous
play or there will be pauses to allow for questions and discussions.
(ix) Decide on assessment procedures to use to determine whether the objectives have
been realized.
(x) Test on the condition of the cassette and on the cells (in places with no electricity)
whether they are low or high.
(2) Prepare the class for listening
(i) Introduce the programme to the students and explain the objectives.
(ii) Write new terms and concepts on the chalkboard and explain them.
(iii)Inform the learners what is expected of them during the lesson, e.g making notes,
writing down the main point's e.t.c.
(iv)Recognize sitting/seating arrangement if need be.
(v) Emphasize on class control.
(vi)Encourage students to listen quietly and carefully.
(3) Play the programme.
(i) Place the player/tape recorder in a strategic place.
(ii) Turn on the player and make sure the volume is loud enough for the whole class.
(iii)Stop and replay where necessary.
(iv)Ensure that the learners are doing the right thing at the right time during the
programme. This is to ensure full participation, e.g making notes and answering questions.
(4) Follow-up activity:
As a part of follow up of the programme the teacher should do the following:
- Fill in gaps where there were omissions in the presentation.
- Make clarification on areas which were not clear to the learners.
- Invite questions/comments from the students about the programme.
- Ask questions to find out whether the learners understood the lesson.
- Give assignment to the learners, e.g to write notes, work on a project to draw a chart,
the role play or to write a test
- Evaluate the effectiveness of the programmes by assessing learner's performance in
the given assignment.

Limitations of using a tape recorder in R.E Communication.
A tape recorder has a number of Disadvantages as a resource of teaching R.E.
1. The recorded programme lacks the visual image which is very necessary in the teaching
of R.E
2. The programmme does not cater for individual differences
3. Communication is usually one way from the presenter to the audience and not vice-versa
4. Sometimes tape recorders are used to substitute the teacher although this should not be
the case as the teacher is expected to guide the learners throughout the programmme.
5. Effectiveness of using the tape recorder s depends on the listening skills of the learners,
something which is beyond the teachers control as one cannot ascertain that the learners
are really listening.
6. It is not effective in large classes as the sound may not reach all the students.
7. Not every School can afford to buy the machine and its accompaniments.
Titany answered the question on November 2, 2021 at 08:14

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