Through numerous plots Ngugi has explored the themes and used a number of styles.
Narration is used, flashbacks, proverbs are all used to enhance the themes in the texts. The
use of oral literature material like songs, proverbs and narratives within the novels
enhance the theme of identity and where the African is rooted.
In A Grain Of Wheat a character known as Kihika got arrested in politics when he was a
small boy and sat under a tree to listen to stories about how their land was taken by the Whiteman. Biblical allusion is used in the way Kihika in A Grain Of Wheat entertains a messianic vision of himself. Monologue is used to articulate the internal thoughts and experiences of a character. Ngugi uses monologue in his character Mugo who is guilt ridden and increasingly isolated from his fellow men. The reader learns what is going on in Mugo's guilt ridden psyche.
Titany answered the question on November 11, 2021 at 07:53
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