1. The second stanza refers to a flying insect which bites – probably a mosquito.
Song of victory suggests the buzzing of the mosquito as it flies. It could also refer
to a fly, which buzzes around a toast(bread).
2. The 'you' in stanza three refers to the jigger of stanza one.
3. This creates a sort of bond between the persona and the insect. He is perhaps
trying to understand why the jigger has to burrow into his skin and feed on his
blood. The poet's use of this style helps to arouse the reader's curiosity.
4. The poem is a warning against avarice (or greed). The poet tells the jigger to
leave some for 'others mouths'.
5. (a) It is a “premature celebration” because the jigger has not yet won. He might
have burrowed his way under the skin, but the persona is waiting with his pin to
dig him out and finish him off.
(c)A toast, in English custom, is drank to a proposal of success or health when
those present raise their glasses and take a sip
to register their agreement. The mosquito started celebrating at the prospect of
drinking the toast (by buzzing) and was killed before it tasted the drink. In the
case of the fly, it started buzzing around the bread and met its death before it
could even taste it.
Titany answered the question on November 11, 2021 at 08:12
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