Describe the rapid nutrition assessment


Describe the rapid nutrition assessment



Rapid assessment is mainly carried out when information is needed urgently. It is particularly
useful in situations where physical access to population is limited or when the speed of the
assessment is a major consideration. Rapid assessment gives preliminary understanding of the
situation within a short time.
This involves;
- Collection of background information e.g. on lifestyle data, crop assessment, data
from previous assessment
- Use of early warning system like use of information such as rainfall and agricultural
data, food reserve data and market information data, mortality and malnutrition data,
migration patterns and other coping strategies information.

This method is used to gather nutrition information within the shortest time possible. It is
particularly useful in situations where physical access to population is limited or when the speed of the assessment is a major consideration.
The results of rapid assessment provide a basis for planning during an emergency. The purpose
of rapid assessment is to determine the severity and the extent of the nutrition situation without a full survey which takes time.
In carrying out a rapid nutritional assessment, mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) is the
commonly used screening tool in measuring malnutrition levels especially in emergencies.
MUAC assessments are further complemented by qualitative methods to generate information on
issues such as food security, health, environment and care practices.
Titany answered the question on November 11, 2021 at 12:16

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