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Main political developments in Kenya from independence to 1978


Main political developments in Kenya from independence to 1978



1963- KADU was disbanded, making Kenya a `de facto' one party state.
1964- Federal Constitution was abolished,making Kenya a unitary state.
- The post of Prime Minister was abolished. Kenya became a Republic with an Executive President.
1965- Assassination of Pio Gama Pinto in Nairobi.
1966- The Limuru Conference created eight vice-presidential posts for KANU.
-Odinga quit KANU and formed the KPU.
-Joseph Murumbi was appointed vice-president.
1967- The "Little General Elections" were held.
Daniel Arap Moi was appointed vice-president up to 1978 when he succeeded Jomo Kenyatta as President.
1969- The KPU was banned following riots in Kisumu.
- Odinga and other KPU officials were detained.
- Tom Mboya, Minister for Economic Planning and Development, was assassinated.
1975- Josiah Mwangi Kariuki, MP for Nyandarua North, was assassinated.
1976- The "Change the Constitution" made unsuccessful attempts to bar the president.
1978- The first President, Jomo Kenyatta, died and was succeeded by Daniel arap Moi.

Mohaissack answered the question on October 2, 2017 at 06:30

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