1) Project mgt. differs from general mgt. because projects differ from non projects.
The high level of conflicts present in projects requires that the project manager has special skills in conflict resolution.
The project manager needs to have creativity and flexibility so as to be able to adjust rapidly to changes.
Therefore the project manager more often than not manages by exception because most of the week handled is exceptions unlike routine activities handled by general mgt. Thus delegation is possible.
2. Planning-Project budgeting differs from now project budgeting. In projects, budgets i.e. created newly for each project and often cover several products into the practice. But in general mgt. budgeting is done annually
3. In non projects, the sequence in which activities i.e. done is set when the product- line is designed. But in projects every projects has a schedule of its own activities. These projects i.e. handle to automate.
4. Original structure
In now project routine will takes place when a well defined structure of develops, devts, sections etc. Hierarchy is also known in projects. The need for technical knowledge, information and special skills often require that departmental lines be processed. Proj. mgt.
is trans disciplinary in nature. In general mgt, things can be compartmentalized
5. In general mgt there is a well defined managerial hierarchy. Thus every one knows the relationship between suspicious and subordinates. (They are clear). Most authority emanates from the post one occupies.
On the other hand, in projects, responsibilities who position of rank is common. The project manager depends on his negotiation skills.
Sources of influence by project manager is his skills, expertise, charisma
Titany answered the question on November 15, 2021 at 06:44