Describe the stages of a project's life cycle


Describe the stages of a project's life cycle




a) Project idea /conception
Sources of ideas i.e. needs unmet, information from other people. Needs come from satisfaction levels of needs.
Per is an idea regarding intervention in a specific area 2 address an identified problem is formed or developed.
An idea may be conceived through the following:-
(i) Needs of a given community in a given area i.e. identified this a need identification of assessment exercise

Needs may be identified thus any one or more of the following:-
(a) Meet element e.g. fiber optic cable.
(b) Resource availability-those w/resources they 2 look 4 ways they can be used to value.
(c) Availability of technology. Ways 2 utilize technology e.g. utilization of internet, mobile telephony
(d) Natural calamities e.g. floods at Rachuonyo, landslides, draught

(ii) The discussions with experts, leaders and those with experience in given areas.

b. Project Identification
After conception of ideas, its important that they be captured in proposal form so that the proposal can be submitted to an agent and the agency that can examine the idea practice
This agent / agency will use objective judgment 2 assess the proposal before it goes for further analysis

c) Project Preparation
Involves collection of data and info on the proposed project. Its usually conducted by people w/ technical and analytical skills in order to determine whether the project can be achieved and to establish whether the project is feasible. Feasibility involves viability of the project i.e. costs of the project and benefits of the project.

These include
• Financial feasibility
• Economic feasibility
• Technical feasibility
• Market feasibility
• Environment feasibility
• Legal feasibility & Social feasibility
Projects may be made on the scope, location and size of the project based on the analysed of he data collected
In big projects, careful preparation including feasibility analysis may take upto 10% of the total cost of the project.
Do all projects (govt) go thro? feasibility studies? Yes e.g. Eldoret Airport, Kenya Nyayo car, Kabarak Airport, White Elephants projects.

d. Project appraisal
At this stage further analysis of the project is covered out. Where a critical a view is done by a team of independent expects who are not involved in feasibility bodies done earliest.

This provides an opportunity to reexamine every aspect of the project before funds raising committed.
Development budgeting may be undertaken

e. Project selection
After appraising, the possible the projects, a no of viable project may remain these projects are ranked so as to choose the ones to be implemented cost.
This is due to scarcity of resources for project implementation
f. Negotiation and Financing
After project election, these is need to negotiate for funding and the
Associated aspects e.g.

- Conditions of the grant
- Repayment schedule
- Interest rates
- Contribution from various stakeholders
- Flow of funds
- Graze period, Etc
This aluminates in government document that tends all the parties involved. It grades the implementation of the project

g. Planning for implementation
This is done before final implementation of project. It involves the planning for the occupations, beneficiaries, financing agencies and all stakeholders.
This enables the project manager to address implementation issues given the overall resource structure and the working environment.
The most important outcomes of such planning include time schedules. Budget committed for various activities and quality plans
Its also important to come up with project log frames (logical formular) i.e. PPM (project planning matrix). Especially for developmental project.

h. Project Implementation
It?s the most crucial stage for most projects. The project characteristics and undertaken according to the project plan.
Goes through 3 development phases:
-Investment period
-Development period
-Full development period

Titany answered the question on November 15, 2021 at 06:53

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