i) Monitoring and Reporting)
Cover very important part during implementation
Monitoring entails collecting information on how project act are being implemented. This information is then compared with the plan for the purpose of narrowing any gaps between the two. This is important because most projects that fail do so during the development stage /phase. Thus they are very useful if they are used to improve the management of the project. It is useless to collect information that is not going to be used.
ii) Evaluation
It involves a systematic review or extermination of the element of sources of success and failure in projects. The information collected from monitoring is the main input into evaluation.
Is conducted at three stages:-
a) Ex-Ante evaluation-done before implementation is done e.g. skills, resources required
b) Concurrent/ongoing Evaluation-done during process of implementation
c) Ex-Post Evaluation-done at the end of the implementation i.e. what has been achieved? What is not achieved? Why we didn?t achieve.
Titany answered the question on
November 15, 2021 at 06:59