Describe a Project Planning Matrix(PPM)


Describe a Project Planning Matrix(PPM)



The Logical Framework (or logframe) is a management tool that aims to promote good project design by clearly stating the key components, how the project is expected to work, and how success will be measured. It ensures that the whole project process is considered before the work begins thereby avoiding problems that may be costly and difficult to address at a later stage.

The PPM is a matrix of four columns and four rows providing sixteen squares for a comprehensive description of a project. PPM shows both the project's logical structure (the links between the inputs/activities and the objectives to be achieved under certain Assumptions), and its major quantitative data

The Project Planning Matrix (PPM) enables decision makers to identify project purposes and goals and plan for project outputs and inputs. The technique is used for planning projects, providing an objective basis to evaluate projects and to state assumptions about causal linkages. The PPM provides a one page overview of any project and it is based on causal reasoning and thought (i.e. if a certain activity is undertaken it will achieve a certain result).

log frame is requirement for all WB funded projects. The logframe is a working tool used throughout the life of a project, from conception to completion. A good logframe is central to a successful proposal in the first instance, and in the longer term makes for well-managed projects that make a difference.

PPM is useful in two ways:

– in the planning process: PPM forces the planner to constantly check whether the project design is plausible and consistent

– in deciding on the project and in executing it: PPM facilitates the communication among all parties on the "why" and the "how" of the project, thus allows for a project monitoring based on common understanding

A 1-page summary of why a project is carried out, what the project is expected to achieve, how it will achieve the results, which factors are crucial and a sense of what it will cost.

Titany answered the question on November 15, 2021 at 11:13

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