Describe the procedure for constructing a Project Planning Matrix(PPM)


Describe the procedure for constructing a Project Planning Matrix(PPM)



• Define the goal. This is the rationale for the project and will have already been defined as the main goal of the project. To improve the quality of life for people living in slums in Mombasa
• Define the purpose. Why is the project being carried out in terms of intended direct effect and impact? This should be one clear statement which is the impact the project hopes to generate from the outputs.
• Define outputs. This is a summary of the intended accomplishments of the project that have been identified. These should be necessary for accomplishing the purpose of the project.
• Define the Activities. These are the actions needed to accomplish the outputs and are carried out by the project participants during the lifetime of the project.
Procedure for Constructing a PPM
• Check the logic. Go through the left column (objective levels) using the IF [ ] THEN [ ] or use the question ?how? moving down the hierarchy, and ?why? moving up the column.
• Identify important assumptions. It will be clear when checking this logic that achievements are also dependent on external conditions which are either outside the control of the project or where the project chooses not to exert control. Objectives levels considered with the important assumptions should produce the necessary and sufficient conditions for achieving the next level up, e.g. IF [activities] AND [assumptions] THEN [outputs].
• Define the measurable indicators. Ask the question ?when and how and on what basis will we know when we have achieved what we set out to do?? As far as possible, the indicators chosen should be quantifiable and time-bound and project leaders should consider ways of measuring quality and performance as well as quantity. These indicators are important for monitoring and evaluating the project both internally and externally.
• Define the means of verification (scale). Sources of information used to verify the accomplishments. These are generally recorded details such as publications, surveys, project notes, reports, tapes, videos etc

Titany answered the question on November 15, 2021 at 11:15

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