Importance of environmental dynamics


Importance of environmental dynamics



1. Gather data and policy making.
2. Help policy makers design the most upto date and relevant policies
3. Help management set operational boundaries.
4. Help mangers make strategic decisions that give organization a competitive edge.
5. Help policy makers identify SWOT of the business
6. Help identify SWOT of the competitors.
7. Identify positive and negative in relation two each environmental dynamics
8. Identify trends that may enhance performance of business policies.
9. Predict and anticipate unique new environmental dynamics
10. Mange time variables in relation two decision making.
11. Help management identify niche of different stakeholders.
12. Help management prioritize satisfaction of stakeholders needs.
13. Identify and create relationships between business and stakeholders.
14. Identify marketing niche for business.
15. Reduce operational costs which may be incurred when the decisions aren’t made in time due to lack of information.
16. Help management resolve conflict in decision making.
17. Gather necessary resources.
18. Help monitor activities of business versus activities of competitors.
19. Identify whole what drives the industry dynamics
20. Help management be market oriented in policy development

Titany answered the question on November 29, 2021 at 12:58

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