Common symptoms of network problems at the physical layer


Common symptoms of network problems at the physical layer



Common symptoms of network problems at the physical layer include:
• Performance lower than baseline - The most common reasons for slow or poor performance include overloaded or underpowered servers, unsuitable switch or router configurations, traffic congestion on a low-capacity link, and chronic frame loss.
• Loss of connectivity - If a cable or device fails; the most obvious symptom is a loss of connectivity between the devices that communicate over that link or with the failed device or interface. This is indicated by a simple ping test. Intermittent loss of connectivity can indicate a loose or oxidized connection.
• Network bottlenecks or congestion - If a router, interface, or cable fails, routing protocols may redirect traffic to other routes that are not designed to carry the extra capacity. This can result in congestion or bottlenecks in those parts of the network.
• High CPU utilization rates - High CPU utilization rates are a symptom that a device, such as a router, switch, or server, is operating at or exceeding its design limits. If not addressed quickly, CPU overloading can cause a device to shut down or fail.
• Console error messages - Error messages reported on the device console indicate a physical layer problem.

Titany answered the question on November 30, 2021 at 12:52

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