Discuss the Specific Purposes of Secondary Education for Business


Discuss the Specific Purposes of Secondary Education for Business



Business education aims determine the success of the program i.e. developing curriculum, textbooks, teachers training and students training.
Thus business teachers and prospective business teachers must appreciate the need of establishing valid aim and should have a thorough knowledge of the thinking of educator, with respect to the specific aims of business education. The specific aims are:-
i) Vocational competency
ii) Personal use of competency
iii) Consumer – business competency
iv) Social – economic competency

1. Vocational competency
The main objective of business education is to prepare students to the competent business employees. To achieve this then schools should assume greater responsibility in the area of occupational education i.e. take greater responsibility for offering the opportunity for future employees of business to gain a higher level of education and more completely developed skills to meet the new demand of entry.

2. Personal Use Competency
Business knowledge is necessary to both business student and non-business students. For example, typing, bookkeeping etc. Thus school administrators who plan the curriculum and the teachers, who teach the subject in the curriculum, should keep the personal uses as well as the vocational uses of the subject in mind.

3.Consumer business competency
Business educators have felt an increased responsibility for developing a program, which would contribute to the general education of all students with the necessary skills and knowledge for the employment in business. Business plays an important role in our lives since everyone is a consumer. This has called for courses to be developed and curriculum revised in an attempt to teach all students not only to be more efficient methods of buying goods and services but more efficient use of the goods and services provided by business. Increased interest in the consumer education objectives may affect the business curriculum in two ways:
i) It may result in the offering of special course in consumer education, which may either take the form of "consumer goods" or " consumer economic"
ii) The consumer education movement may show itself in a stressing of consumer viewpoint in such subject as salesmanship, advertising, retail merchandising, general business, business law etc. consumer viewpoint has affected the teaching of salesmanship and advertising.
Due to the nature of training, business teachers should be in a position to contribute to the development of effective consumer education program.

4.Social – Economic Competency
Business is an exchange of values between people and as such it is both economic and social in nature. But education for many years have failed to recognize the true nature of business and business education programs, as a result, have often overemphasized skill development to the neglect of helping the students to develop sound social and economic viewpoints.
In the recent years, however, business educators have become increasingly aware of their responsibility, along with the social studies teachers to make it available even to non-business students thus making them to have a clear concepts of social and economic truths. The trend toward attempting to make the general business subject available to all students is the evidence and not limiting such subjects as economic Geography, business law, general business and consumer economics to students who have declared an interest in preparing for the business occupations.
Business education, as a phase of general education, is in a position to make a major contribution to the development of social-economic competencies by helping students to develop a clear understanding of the nation economy.

Titany answered the question on December 15, 2021 at 08:47

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