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Describe the procedure used when selecting of community resources to be used in education


Describe the procedure used when selecting of community resources to be used in education.



1) Determining Community resources: These to be done through a survey by the student and teacher. The method and scope of the survey must be understood by all individuals involved in the activity. The purpose of the survey which is to determine specific business community resources available should be clearly understood by all participants.
Other means of determining community resources can be used. For example;
a) Newspapers can provide information about activities of community and business organizations, reorganization and expansion plans by companies, personnel changes in business exhibits unusual merchandise and case illustrating legal principles.
b) Contacts through students and former students are important to the teacher in providing helpful information about the community
c) Participation by teachers in the activities of local businesses and professional organization provides opportunities to meet and work with different community teachers.

Resource people
These are people who have special ability and / or accomplishments and they do provide valuable current information and greatly that influence students. Such people include elected/ appointed government officials, business owners, executive, and employees with considerable experience beginning worker or former students.
The basis of needing a resource person should be based individuals accomplishments and ability to demonstrate and/ explain business procedures.
Both in-class and in-business discussions by resource people are useful for making course content seem more real to students. On decision whether or not the student should visit the business or resource person coming the following factors are important to consider whether
i. It is a demonstration or a task to be given facilities and equipment needed for the demonstration.
ii. Kind of surrounding most desirable to involve the students actively
iii. Number of students
iv. Manipulation facilities available
v. Who of the resource persons

Field trips
A field trip affords an excellent means of utilizing the community as celebratory to supplement classroom experience. The effectiveness of a field trip is dependent upon the carefulness with which the trip is organized. A well organized field trip can provide students with an unparallel educational experience to meet business people, observe business activities in their natural setting, under stand job requirements and employment possibilities correct wrong impressions about business and increase their understanding of the local business community.
Any field trip should correlate directly with the topic being studied and supplement text discussions. If students are to realize the maximum values from an educational trip, the teacher and student should plan and evaluate the trip and capitalize on the experiences gained.

Business Forms and Materials
The use of forms from local business acquaints students with a greater variety and provides familiarity with forms they will be using if they obtain jobs with local business. Samples of accounting forms, letterheads and correspondence forms from local businesses serve as excellent teaching examples.

Work experiences
A well-coordinated work experience program for advanced students is an excellent way to use the business community to supplement and enrich classroom laboratory experiences. With the cooperation of local businesses, teachers can arrange one day on the job programs to acquaint students with actual business and office procedures.
Selecting appropriate textbooks supplementary materials and community resources. Instructional materials are usually second to teacher but in selecting the most suitable materials and aids is usually a major problem to the teacher.

Selecting Appropriate Textbooks
Selecting appropriate secondary books lies with the ministry of education but when the books are approved for secondary schools it is upon the teacher to select the most appropriate textbooks.
Selection by a committee comprised of teacher(s) representatives for the course and representation from the administration is more desirable than decisions by the principal, superintendent business education consultant or department head alone.
Titany answered the question on December 15, 2021 at 12:52

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