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Explain the criteria to be used when selecting the appropriate textbooks


Explain the criteria to be used when selecting the appropriate textbooks



1. Nature of the contents
The textbooks should provide those topics of instruction important in the particular subject with a minimal amount of irrelevant materials. Topics reflecting changing social, economic and technological conditions must be included.
Those participating in the textbooks selection need to ask themselves whether the topics included and the order of in which they are represented facilitate the achievement of the behavioral objectives developed for the specific course for which the textbooks are being considered.
2. Author: The ultimate view of a particular textbook can be assessed to a great extent by the degree to which the author is knowledgeable in the subject and uses in the instructional methodology of the subject.
3. Schools that use the text: Where a textbook has been in the market for sometime, then it is advisable to seek first hand reactions from teachers in reputable schools in which the book has been used.
4. Date of publication or of revision: If a textbook is to reflect recent technological change, as well as change in recommended instructional methodology, it must be revised at regular intervals. A late copyright date cannot be accepted on face as evidence that a textbook has been updated .
5. Language used: Emphasis has been put forward to ensure that a textbook is readable, understandable and interesting for the level of students who will be utilizing it. The writing style, level of vocabulary and size of print need to be considered.
6. Textbook Construction: Today’s students are favorably impressed with and obviously prefer a textbook that is convenient, in size and ……….. to attractive colors. The quality of the paper and the durability of the binding are more important than general appearance.
Textbooks Illustrations: In evaluating the effectiveness of textbook illustrations, the following guidelines are necessary: be fairly …………., be well printed, be of a reasonable size, relate to the text material, appear on the same page with the ………. they are supposed to illustrate, or at least on the pages opposite the principles, have catchy, yet meaningful, captions so that they will

Titany answered the question on December 15, 2021 at 12:54

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