Region I: The Tropical (Equatorial) Climatic Region – includes central parts of
Africa and the eastern Coast of Madagascar and parts of Guinea.
Here there are rainless months with the average annual rainfall of up to
1,780mm, and average annual temperatures of about 26.70C.
Region II: Northern Rainforest Climatic Region is characterised by summer month’s
wet seasons, and dry winter month’s seasons.
The average annual rainfalls vary from 550mm to more than 1,550mm -(at
times known as tropical savannah climate region). But to the extreme
north/south drier parts the average annual rainfalls vary form about
250mm to 500mm, concentrating in a single rain season.
Region III: Southern Rainfall Climatic Region – i.e. characterised as No. 2 above.
Region IV: Arid/Desert Climatic Region – i.e. the Sahara, the Horn of Africa, the
Kalahari, Namimbia have an average annual rainfall of less than 250mm.
In Sahara for example, the daily and seasonal extreme temperatures are
enormous. For incident, July temperatures are more than 320C in the cold
Nights here temperature do drop below freezing point during cold seasons.
Region V: Mediterranean Climatic Region – i.e. in north-west of Africa. The climate
here is characterised as mild, wet warm winters, and usually dry
Region VI: The East African Highland Climatic Region – i.e. including Uganda,
Kenya and Tanzania.
The average annual rainfall range from 500mm to over 1800mm. With an
exception of lower plains where the rainfall amounts are usually less than
500mm – mainly within the interior of East Africa.
However, rainfall amounts are well distributed throughout the year
naturally in most parts of the region. Temperatures do not vary greatly,
except within low lying plains in comparisons.
Region VII: Southern African High Plateau Climatic Region – characterised by
temperate climate regimes
Titany answered the question on January 17, 2022 at 13:08
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