Describe the Soil Characteristics Formation in Africa


Describe the Soil Characteristics Formation in Africa



According to A.T. Grove (1970), the soils of Africa vary greatly and this makes it
difficult to give a summary on the soils characteristics except the general account.
However, African soils do develop in similar conditions like those in other
tropical areas like Australia, Peninsula India and Brazil etc.
Compared to the wheat plains of Ukraine and parts of North America, Africa do
not have that very productive soils like the chernozems which develop and occur in cool
sub-humid climate under the vegetation type of tall and mid grass prairies of those zones
(North America, Central Europe etc).
Also in Africa there are no large irrigated low plains like those found in Indo Gange’s lowlands to the north of India
But Africa has few places as the lowlands of the Nile Valley, parts of Niger and
Chad basins, flat bottom valleys of Tanzania and Zambia.
Titany answered the question on January 17, 2022 at 13:21

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