Discuss the Vegetation Types of Africa


Discuss the Vegetation Types of Africa



There are about ten vegetation types in Africa. They are:
1. Moist forest (at low and medium altitude)
This type embraces Congo Basin, west Africa coast forest area, parts of central
Africa ( Clarke, et.al. 1975)
2. Moist woodland savannah.
Outering of Congo Basin, west Africa coast up to Zambia – Mozambique coasts,
central Madagascar.
3. Dry woodland savannah.
A west east zone of savannah usually on edges of deserts –Sahara and Kalahari.
4. Wooded and grass steppe.
As No. 3 but occupies most parts of low Ethiopian plateau on low slopes Kalahari
5. Desert steppe.
Mostly bordering with desert zones after the coastal desert of Namibia – southern
end of Sahara.
6. Desert
Real Sahara desert and coast desert of Namibia.
7. Temperate and sub-tropical Grass land.
Northern-Eastern parts of Drakensburg mountain.
8. Mediterranean.
West, North, East slopes of the atlas mountains.
9. Cape Macchia
Mostly occupies the south low slopes of cape ranges.
10. Mountain vegetation.

Titany answered the question on January 17, 2022 at 13:36

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