To promote remembering the teacher needs to ensure that learned material is rehearsed under conditions of reinforcement. Define Rehearsal and and explain how the teacher...


To promote remembering the teacher needs to ensure that learned material is rehearsed under conditions of reinforcement. Define Rehearsal and and explain how the teacher should ensure reinforcement



a. Rehearsing refers to the constant repetition and review of content. For rehearsal to benefit
learners, the teacher should give them time and place to do their rehearsal i.e Study time.
The teacher should also ensure that the learners rehearse content, which is meaningful.
b. Remembering is best promoted if learning is reinforced. Withdrawal of reinforcement
causes extinction, which is the disappearance of the learned response. If a learner
displays the desirable behavior without being reinforced, forgetting occurs. The teacher
should never lose sight of the fact that reinforcement strengthens behavior and makes it
more probable. Making it mare probable means that behavior is given the chance to
occur again.
NatalieR answered the question on February 10, 2022 at 09:08

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