Explain The Disuse Theory in Educational Psychology


Explain The Disuse Theory in Educational Psychology



The Disuse Theory
This theory submits that people forget the S-R connections or associations made
previously because they grow rusty or fade away through lack of use. This concept can be
explained through the Pavlovian or Skinnerian experiments. In Pavlov’s classical
conditioning it refers to the withdrawal of reinforcement. If the food, which served as the
reinforcer to keep the association between the bell and the food alive, was removed,
extinction occurred. If the dog was subjected to this state for long i.e. the bell ringing
without the accompaniment of the food then the stimulus-response connections were lost.
In Skinners operant conditioning if the rat continued to press the bar without the
accompaniment of food as a reinforcer this bar pressing behavior disappeared because the
connections or associations between it and food was lost. This information can be applied
in the classroom situation for the purpose of helping the teacher to understand the
dynamics involved in forgetting and remembering. Just like Pavlov’s dogs and Skinners
rats would forget the S-R associations they had learned, pupils too forget what they learn
under similar principles.
NatalieR answered the question on February 10, 2022 at 09:17

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