Genes do not fix intelligence but contributes a range in its development. Based on Your psychology knowledge, Argue this statement listing a relevant example.


Genes do not fix intelligence but contributes a range in its development. Based on Your psychology knowledge, Argue this statement listing a relevant example.



Genes do not fix intelligence as such; they provide the blue print of intellectual abilities. By this we mean that genes establish a wide range of possibilities or potentialities. These potentialities are
bound to unfold in relation to the range of possible experiences that the environment can
provide. Put in another way, genes provide the raw materials for intellectual abilities and set the
limits. This means that even the environmental influences modify the inherited potentials. within certain limits. For example a child may inherit a potential towards average IQ,
which has its own ranges. All a teacher and the best environments can do for such a child
is to help him to realize his maximum potential. These potentialities are analogous to a
rubber band, which can remain unstretched or stretched to various lengths. The rubber
band can be stretched all the way and it can also be stretched until it breaks. This analogy
is very important for learners. It suggests that the learning environments should be
arranged in a manner that will allow the rubber band to stretch to full potential but not to
stunt or break. When dealing with children we must know their gifts and their limitations
in order to nurture the gifts and help improve on limitations. We should not allow a child
with a high intellectual gift to underachieve and we should not expect a child with an
average gift to show outstanding performance. Every child should be allowed to perform
within the limits of their rubber band stretchability.

NatalieR answered the question on February 10, 2022 at 12:47

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