What are the teacher’s roles in attitude change?


What are the teacher’s roles in attitude change?



The teacher is the person on the ground. He is in direct contact with the students and
therefore his role in attitude change can never be overestimated. He or she may Use peer group
in discussions or debates on certain topical issues. For
example sexuality, Abortion, School life, Friendship and so on.
• As the peers exchange their views and give points for or against the topic being
debated or discussed they influence each other’s attitudes.
• The catch here is that the youths will readily accept values of their own peers.
Attitudes changed this way are more effectively inculcated.

2.First hand experience
Students need to be exposed to first hand experiences in the attitude issues concerned. I f
they had previously thought that the subject is boring or difficult, they should be exposed
to interesting teaching and to proper guidance that leads to success. If they are taught in
an interesting manner and they experience how a good teacher works, they will change
their attitudes.

3.Appeal to feelings
The teacher should always ensure that the students register information not only with
their senses but also with their feelings. If they are expected to cultivate positive feelings
towards the attitudinal issue or even negative feelings this issue should be well addressed.
• The teacher could refer the pupils to sources of information that will arouse
feelings. Video shows that arouse feelings could be shown. Stories with first hand
experience could be exchanged. Whatever feelings the teacher thinks will be
beneficial should be evoked. Feelings lead to experience of catharsis, which is
very important in attitude change

4. Discovery method
The teacher could also allow the students to discover for themselves basic information
concerning the attitudinal object. For example: Their could be a student who is HIV
positive or one who has lost parents through AIDS and the rest of the class don’t know
how to behave towards him/her. Nobody wants to share a desk or books with her. For the
teacher to instill positive attitude towards the particular student he could give students
projects to visit doctors for information, to read about the topic, to contact families with
AIDS patients and then present their findings in class. After they have discovered all the
basic information, that they can, they will be friendlier, more helpful and more accepting
towards their fellow student.

5. Persuasive periods
The teacher should look for persuasive periods in the child’s life and then foster the
necessary attitudes. There are times when students will be most receptive to new
attitudes, for example during a transition or crisis. This is the time when the student is
facing some challenge or some kind of failure. This could be.
• When a good student’s whose performance has been dropping steadily due to
influence from bad company.
• It could be a well-behaved student whose behavior has suddenly changed and is
facing punishment almost daily or
• It could be a lazy student who has lost a parent and now he needs to see the
importance of being serious and focused in his life.
Whatever the case a student who is in a crisis situation will be more receptive to
suggestibility and attitude change.

6. Consistent attitudes
In attitude change, the teacher should foster attitudes that are consistent with attitudes
held by the home, the community and the mass media. In other words the teachers
attitudes should not deviate from generally held attitudes. Of course some care and discretion may be required here because there are widely held attitudes which need some
revision if not complete overhaul.

NatalieR answered the question on February 10, 2022 at 14:03

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