What does the word Congruence refer to?


What does the word Congruence refer to?



Congruence refers to the agreeability. In this respect individuals will readily listen to
messages with which they agree. They turn away when confronted with a message with
which they do not agree with. For Example, s consider this boy who comes to
school with his trouser hanging dangerously around his hips, his shirt lacking all the
buttons and shoes that have not seen polish for months. His hair has not encountered the
torture of a comb in weeks. This is an ungainly sight capable of revolting even the most
compassionate of teachers. If we want to change his attitude there are nice things that this
boy wants to hear. He wants to hear that he is a good boy that he is handsome, that you
like him, but is there something that he can do about his dressing? On the next day he
will appear looking better. This should not be ignored, he should be applauded for
improved grooming and within no time he will have rejoined the flock.
NatalieR answered the question on February 11, 2022 at 05:24

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