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Explain the following terms used in educational psychology . 1. Intellectually different 2. Intervention 3. Learning-disabled children 4. Orthopedic cases


Explain the following terms used in educational psychology .

1. Intellectually different
2. Intervention
3. Learning-disabled children
4. Orthopedic cases



1. Intellectually different: -refers to those children who deviate from the norm group in mental
characteristics. This group includes those children who are mentally retarded and therefore
have lower I.Q. below 90, Lowered mental functioning and adaptive behavior. The category
also covers those children whose mental capacity is above the norm group above 140 and
who may be talented in special areas.

2. Intervention: -refers to the identification of children with exceptional conditions screening
and diagnosing their cases which leads to the provision of the necessary professional
services as well as placement.

3. Learning-disabled children: - This refers to those children who have significant difficulties
in listening speaking, reading, writing, reasoning or mathematical skills. These difficulties
are not attributed to mental retardation nor are they attributed to environmental deprivation.
They have to do more with psychological processes than other factors.

4. Orthopedic cases: - This group refers to those children who are physically handicapped
crippled or deformed
NatalieR answered the question on February 11, 2022 at 07:39

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