Outline steps involved in Benchmarking process


Outline steps involved in Benchmarking process



Step 1 Plan
Lanning stage involves selecting department or a process to benchmarked, choosing the type of
benchmarking to be used i.e. Internal, competitive, functional or generic benchmarking
identifying an organization

Step 2 Collect Data
This step entails recording the current performance levels, containing the benchmarking
organization, making a site visit and studying the benchmarking activity.

Step 3 Analyze the Data
Compare the organization vis-à-vis its identified competitors using the benchmark data construct
a comparison matrix to compare your performance data with your benchmark organization. It is
important to identify outstanding practices; drivers and process enablers that allow the
benchmark organization achieve the level of performance that you have identified as the best
practice. How they do it and how they keep doing it are key question of this stage.

Step 4 Adapt Enablers
Set stretching goals and target and consider the barriers to change. There is no point undertaking
a benchmark exercise if the organization is not going to adapt its own practices in the light of
information gained. A great deal of management efforts is needed in changing culture and
implementing new work practices.

Step 5 Review
As with all changes management exercise, it is important to review constantly the success and
effectiveness of the benchmark activity. It is necessary to carry out a review based on the
following questions: were the benchmark goals achieved? Was the activity worth undertaking?
Are you performing at the same or better level of performance than your benchmark
organization? It is vital to keep track of the results and improvements; similarly, review the
benchmarks and h relationships with the benchmark organization.
NatalieR answered the question on May 9, 2022 at 13:50

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