Explain the concept of business process re-engineering.


Explain the concept of business process re-engineering.



Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) emerged as a formal business practice during the 1980’s
and the early 1990’s although the term had been used as early as 1940 in operations research.
The earlier work of Hammer (1990) and the later expanded version of Hammer and Champy

(1993) popularized and crystallized BPR as a formal concept. The authors talked about re-
inventing the nature of work, starting again – re inventing the corporation from top to bottom.

BPR was launched at the time when the organizations needed to completely rethink on ways to
cope with ever-changing world, particularly with developments in the information technology.
BPR emerged as the concept which enables the organization take a radical and revolutionary
look at the way in which enables the organization take a radical and revolutionary look at the
way in which it operates and the way is done.
NatalieR answered the question on May 10, 2022 at 06:50

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