Explain three perspectives of psychology


Explain three perspectives of psychology



1. Psycho-analytic/psychodynamic
It arose from the psychoanalytic school. Emphasis is inner forces such as drives, needs, emotions, purposes, wishes etc. it tries to explain the ways of behaviour and the individual `differences. It puts a lot of emphasis on interpersonal relationship but very little on Biological drives/set-up.

2. Cognitive Perspective
It combines Gestalt and behaviourist psychology. It focuses a lot on cognition, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, problem solving and memory.
It also emphasises the ability of the mind to organise perceptions, process information and to interpret experience. They infer mental processes from observable behaviour and can be able to sat the state of the mind without relying on introspective reports alone.

3. Humanistic Perspective by Abraham Maslow (third force)
It bases a lot on the order of needs. He says that human beings have a free will and are not merely vessels to be manipulated by unconscious motives or environmental stimuli.
It is also referred to as the third force. It was the first important alternative to the psychoanalytic and behaviourist perspectives.
It emphasises the individual (self) in psychology. It focuses on the individual’s ability.

4. Behavioural Perspective
It also arose from the behavioural school of psychology (JB Watson). Main concern was on observable (overt behaviour).
Watson talks about the influence of the environment on what we do, e.g. too much light, noise-stimulus controls behaviour.
Skinner says we behave the way we do according to the consequences of previous behaviour-consequence controls behaviour, e.g. punishment/reward.

5. Biological (psycho-biological) Perspective
They study the relationship of biological systems especially the brain and the nervous system to behaviour and mental processes. Basically their methods of study are animals.
Titany answered the question on May 10, 2022 at 11:37

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