Illustrate the stages of a child's life cycle according to Sigmund Freud


Illustrate the stages of a child's life cycle according to Sigmund Freud



Oral Stage: 0-11/2 years
The sexual energy is concentrated in the mouth. That is why children pick things and put in the mouth. It is pleasurable to the child as it stimulates the lips (sucking, put different things in the mouth).
Let the child feel the pleasure and satisfy the libido. When there is failure to do this, there is always fixation which will occur and resurface in adulthood. Such habits include chewing gum, drinking, smoking, overeating, gossip noisy, etc.

Anal Stage: 11/2-3 years
The focus of pleasure shifts from the mouth to the anus-withholding faeces or expelling becomes pleasurable. It is a period of toilet training. If you become too tough the child will develop retentive traits of excessive orderly or mean. If left to do anything, the child will grow up with a character, e.g. very generous, untidy and disorganised-write small letters.

Phallic Stage: 3-6 years
This is when the children have a strong desire for parents of the opposite sex. Oedipus complex-is that feeling where the boy child has a feeling towards the mother.
Electra complex-the girl child has a feeling towards the father.
Assist the child to adapt the role of the parent: Boy>Father; Girl>Mother.

Latency Stage:6-12 years
The sexual energy is a bit quite. Children go to school and concentrate on schoolwork, and play which consumes most of the psychic energy (libido).
Take the child to school and let him learn and play.

Genital Stage: 12 years and above
The sexual energy shifts to the genitals and the children have a desire for the opposite sex.
Titany answered the question on May 10, 2022 at 12:09

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